
Great news from Holland
Zaxxon´s Delightful Davidoff - "Davi" BOB-puppy at Christmas show in Wijchen. There was total of 10 puppies entered so Davi & handler/owner Henk did a great job! Congrats Henk & Edith - both for Davi´s results as well as for Puma´s CACIB!
Also for friends and family - new pictures of Maximus :-)
Today handsome little Dante was at his first show in Eskilstuna.
Dante ended up as BOS and halfsister Lee (X daughter Bibords Adissa) was BOB - 4-6 months.
In 6-9 months Inka (Kangelani´s Impressive Inka) was BOB and BIS-4.
Congratulations and good work Ewa, Bitte & Birgitta!
Carlos are x-rayed with results, hips grade A/B & elbows 0/0. Congratulations Malin & Markus!
Gibson has during this weekend compeded with success in both agality and jumpclass!
HUGE congratulations from us and as alway. Good work Ewa :-)
Our handsome little dutch export "Davi" has been showing of twice already, he placed 2nd both times and got very nice critiques!. Congrats Henk & Edith :-)
We also went to Kongsvinger in Norway this weekend to show Ninja & Bosco.... Bosco placed Excellent-3 in championclass and little Ninjis was today unplaced.
Zaxxon´s Prince Brio - our happiest agility star :-) "Cutest in babyclass" - Zaxxon´s Deligthful Davidoff
We have been to Ballerup in Danmark and showing Ninja & Bosco. Bosco recieved Excellent 3 and Ninja
Excellent-2 ... one dog from the danish CC!
Congrats to Ninjas breeder Hanne & John-Anders at kennel Shavano for Leahs BOS!
Some pictures from the show you find here!
More good news from good-boy Carlos:
He once won BOB at an inofficial show this weekend and placed as BIS-6.
He also recieved a first prize in fieldtracking at an ordinarie test. Once again... Well done :-)
Me & Ninja waiting for our turn...
We are very very sorry to hear that Basheera wasn´t in whelp this time either....
We had a supergreat day showing our dogs in SKK:s show in Alfta. Results as follows...
Enzo: 2nd in juniorclass with Hp.
Bosco: 2nd best male with CC and SuCh
Chelzie: 2nd best bitch with CC
Ninja: BOB & BIG-1
See some pictures here...
Bosco & Basheera has mated on the 10th and 11th of july. More info at kennel Madzinza
Enzo, Chelzie, Ninja & Bosco with some of their wins in Alfta
RR- Speciality
We had Carlos and Zmilla entered this day, and both recieved Excellent injuniorclass! Well done all!
World Dog Show
Both Enzo & Carlos recieved Excellent in juniorclass for males. Enzo ended up as 4th best juniormale out of 28. Chelzie got a first price. All handled beutifully!
Bosco also recieved Excellent in a large openclass
Zaxxon´s kennel ended up as 2nd best breeders group
Handsome boy Ciarán won juniorclass, BIS 3 and best movements at Nääs slott.
Judge: John sigve Berg
Congratulations and well done Rickard and Malin!
Österbybruk KC show
We had a great day... Ninja won BOB, Carlos won juniorclass with CQ and became R bd, Bosco won openclass with CQ and bacame 4th-bd.
Zaxxon won breedersclass with hp.
Thank you all for a great day :-)
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