
Vi kommer göra ett nytt försök till våren, så mer information kommer.
SEuch SEvch Zaxxon's Delightful Dante 9,5 years old
Best Veteran male with CQ and later 10 th best male of +40 males at SRRS BISS 2017

Our new web page goes live... Super thanks to Jenny Jurnelius who made this happen, and also super thanks to Elly Weldman who made my beautiful front graphic.
Still, some fixes to make it complete and up to date -, but happy to have this out on the air just today... as a tribute to our precious angels - Zack, Ninja & Becca. Today is the year day of when we had to let go of our very special girl Becca, just 9 months after her mom Ninja... It has been some tough years losing our love ones.....
I have not only for that reason "been away" for the latest years from the dog world, the shows and the breeding etc. The biggest reason for me being away is that I for about 5 years ago was part of starting a 24/7 open Animal hospital, so that took (and still takes) all of my time. Although I have the best job ever, I do miss "this life" :-) Therefore is it very special for me to have the possibility to plan another zaxxon-litter for 2018...
Wish you all a great summer!

Sötaste Becca hade säklart även sitt eget simsätt .... älskade hund!